Based on the 6R cloud migration strategies we discussed before, we use a cloud migration decision tree to find the best migration strategy for a specific use case.
Let's dive in and take a closer look into each of our cloud migration decision tree stages.
The process is separated into three stages: customer migration drivers, migration readiness and planning, and key determinants. The outcome of the process is the migration strategy that best fits customer's needs and goals.
We divide customer migration drivers into three groups.
Customer migration drivers help us understand customer's needs and define the focus of the cloud migration project.
The migration readiness and planning stage aims to understand the application and its environment and decide if it is a good candidate for migration. The decision about the application is based on the combination of four assessments.
If we conclude that the application is a good migration candidate, we use five key determinants to find the right migration strategy.
If the application is not a good candidate for migration, we have three available strategies.
If the application is a good candidate for migration, we have three available strategies.
In this article, we talked about the cloud migration decision tree - it helps us find the right migration strategy.
Migration drivers help us focus on important cloud benefits that bring business value to our customers. Migration readiness is the stage that helps us understand the current application and its environment. Key determinants are used to find the best migration strategy based on factors such as time, money, and business complexity. Migration strategy defines the strategy for cloud migration.
As AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, we help companies of every industry and size solve their infrastructure problems with cloud migration.
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We are an AWS-focused company actively working on expanding our partnership. Our cloud solution - "7o cloud" is built by implementing VMware technologies, thus making these partnership very important to us.
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