CloudEndure Migration is the tool that helps us efficiently migrate your company's IT infrastructure to the cloud. Cloud migrations can be complicated, time-consuming, and very costly. CloudEndure simplifies, expedites, and reduces the cost of cloud migration by offering a highly automated lift-and-shift solution.
With CloudEndure Migration, we can quickly migrate a large number of machines to AWS without worrying about compatibility, performance disruption, or long cutover windows. If any re-architecture is needed, it can be easily performed after the migration to AWS.
CloudEndure Migration is continually replicating your source machines into a staging area in your AWS account without causing any downtime or impacting performance. When we want to launch the production machines, CloudEndure Migration helps us automatically convert your machines from their source infrastructure into the AWS infrastructure. With CloudEndure Migration, we can migrate all applications and databases that run on supported versions of Windows and Linux OS, such as Windows Server versions 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019 and popular Linux distributions like CentOS, RHEL, OEL, SUSE, Ubuntu, and Debian.
CloudEndure Migration also supports enterprise applications such as SAP and common databases, such as Oracle and SQL Server.
CloudEndure Migration simplifies cloud migration to AWS cloud by eliminating compatibility issues in the migration process from physical, virtual, and cloud-based infrastructure to any AWS Region.
With the help of CloudEndure Migration, we can quickly migrate any application or infrastructure and rapidly execute complex, large-scale migration projects while virtually eliminating the organization's risk.
It is usually difficult to maintain normal business operations throughout the cloud migration process. With the CloudEndure Migration, this is not the case. We continually copy source machines in real-time – without taking snapshots or writing any data to disks; this means minimal performance impact and no need to reboot machines. Continuous, real-time replication also simplifies the conduct of non-disruptive tests and shortens cutover windows.
CloudEndure Migration significantly reduces the cost of cloud migration to the AWS cloud. It helps us migrate any application or database from any source infrastructure to AWS's supported operating systems. This includes third-party applications, line-of-business applications, and legacy applications. Your company doesn't need to invest in specialized cloud development, OS/application-specific skills, or significant IT resources, resulting in significantly reduced operational costs.
The implementation process starts by installing the CloudEndure Agent on the selected source machines; this installation does not require a reboot, nor does it impact system performance in any noticeable way. After the installation, CloudEndure Agent connects to a self-service, web-based CloudEndure User Console. After that, it issues an API call to the selected target AWS Region to create a staging area in the customer's account designated to receive the source machine's replicated data.
The staging area consists of lightweight EC2 instances used as Replication Servers and low-cost staging EBS volumes.
Each source disk is mapped to an identically sized, low-cost EBS volume in the staging area. The Replication Servers receive data from the CloudEndure Agent and write this data onto staging EBS volumes. One Replication Server can handle multiple source machines replicating concurrently. After all source disks have been replicated, the CloudEndure Agent continues to monitor and replicate any changes to the source disks. This continuous asynchronous replication is done at the block level; this enables CloudEndure Migration to replicate any application that runs on supported x86-based Windows and Linux OSs that allow agent installation.
AWS is the largest hyper cloud provider with a share of 60% of the global cloud market. The company is very customer-oriented and understands the pain points of various IT systems. That's why they build tools, services, and solutions that solve problems that were previously very hard and complex.
CloudEndure Migration is a tool that helps us migrate your IT resources to the AWS cloud simply and efficiently. The tool does all the heavy lifting that enables us to perform complex, large-scale migration projects without any downtime or risk for the customer. With CloudEndure Migration, we can migrate your company's IT to the AWS cloud by using a highly automated lift-and-shift solution.
Sedmi odjel is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner and Solution Provider specializing in implementing AWS solutions and services.
As a company with a lot of experience in various industries, we understand the pain point of cloud migration for companies. With the help of various AWS tools and services, we can move your company's IT to AWS cloud simply and efficiently without any downtime or similar problems.
If you want to know more about cloud migration, cloud technology in general, AWS cloud, or you want to try AWS services:
We are an AWS-focused company actively working on expanding our partnership. Our cloud solution - "7o cloud" is built by implementing VMware technologies, thus making these partnership very important to us.
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